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Error handling using htaccess

How to handel an error using htaccess ?

You can use .htaccess to customize the way that errors are handled on your website. Here are some common error handling directives you can use:

Customize the 404 error page:

ErrorDocument 404 /404.html

This directive specifies the URL of the custom error page to display when a 404 (page not found) error occurs. Replace "/404.html" with the URL of your own custom error page.

Customize the 403 error page:

ErrorDocument 403 /403.html

This directive specifies the URL of the custom error page to display when a 403 (forbidden) error occurs. Replace "/403.html" with the URL of your own custom error page.

Customize the 500 error page:

    ErrorDocument 500 /500.html

This directive specifies the URL of the custom error page to display when a 500 (internal server error) error occurs. Replace "/500.html" with the URL of your own custom error page.

Disable directory listings:

    Options -Indexes

This directive disables directory listings for directories that don't contain an index file (such as index.html). When a user navigates to a directory without an index file, a 403 (forbidden) error will be displayed instead of a directory listing.

By customizing error pages and disabling directory listings, you can improve the user experience on your website and help to prevent sensitive information from being exposed.
