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break statement

In JavaScript, the "break statement" is used within loops (such as "for," "while," "do-while," and "switch" statements) to immediately terminate the loop's execution or exit a "switch" statement. When encountered, the "break statement" causes the program to exit the innermost loop or switch statement that it's contained in.

The basic syntax of the "break statement" in JavaScript is as follows:


Here's how the "break statement" works in different contexts:


When placed within a loop, such as a "for" or "while" loop, the "break statement" causes the loop to terminate abruptly. The program flow continues after the loop.

for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    if (i === 5) {
        break; // Terminate the loop when i is 5

Switch Statements :

In a "switch" statement, the "break statement" is used to exit the switch block after a specific case is executed. Without the "break statement," the program would continue executing subsequent cases, potentially leading to unintended behavior.

var day = "Monday";

switch (day) {
    case "Monday":
        console.log("It's the first day of the week.");
    case "Tuesday":
        console.log("It's the second day of the week.");
    // ... other cases
        console.log("It's another day of the week.");

The "break statement" is important for controlling the flow of execution within loops and switch statements. It allows you to break out of a loop prematurely when a specific condition is met or to prevent fall-through behavior in switch statements.
